`Kick-off workshop’ projet ANR EXSTA

`Kick-off workshop’ projet ANR EXSTA

EXSTA: EXtremes, STastistical learning and Applications


5 juin 2024 - 7 juin 2024    

Salle du Conseil, Espace Turing
45 rue des Saints-Pères, Paris, 75006

Type d’évènement


  • June 5th:
    • Noon: Welcome Lunch Buffet
    • 13h30-14h: Opening (T. Opitz, A. Sabourin, G. Stupfler)
    • 14h-16h: Session with scientific talks
      • Johan Segers
      • Juliette Legrand
      • Clément Dombry
    • 16h-18h30: Coffee break and time for informal discussions
  • June 6th:
    • 9h: Welcome Coffee
    • 9h20-12h30: Session with scientific talks
      • Antoine Chambaz
      • Antoine Marchina
      • Alexis Boulin
      • Antoine Usseglio-Carleve
    • 12h30: Lunch Buffet
    • 13h30-15h30: Poster Session
    • 15h30-17h00: Session with scientific talks
      • Nicolas Meyer
      • Mathieu Vrac
  • June 7th:
    • 9h: Welcome Coffee
    • 9h30-11h30: Session with scientific talks
      • Pavlo Mozharovsyi
      • Nathan Huet
      • Mikael Escobar-Bach
    • 11h30-12h30: Discussions
    • 12h30: Lunch Buffet and Closing words

More details here.

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