Le MAP5 en photos


Chercheuses et chercheurs

Doctorant⋅e⋅s, post-doctorant⋅e⋅s et ATER

Ingénieur⋅e⋅s et technicien⋅ne⋅s

  • Rémy Abergel, Senior Engineer, Technical staff
    Remy.Abergel@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-u-paris.fr, 01 76 53 03 25, room 733-E
  • Martine Auzou, Administrative, Technical staff
    Martine.Auzou@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-u-paris.fr, 01 76 53 23 64
  • Marie-Hélène Gbaguidi, Assistant Engineer, Technical staff
    Marie-Helene.Gbaguidi@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-u-paris.fr, 01 76 53 03 69