Ozan Öktem (NUMERIK, OPTIMERING & SYSTEM, KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Ozan Öktem (NUMERIK, OPTIMERING & SYSTEM, KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Applications of Riemannian geometry in protein dynamics and single particle cryo-EM


16 février 2024    
11h00 - 12h00

Salle du Conseil, Espace Turing
45 rue des Saints-Pères, Paris, 75006

Type d’évènement

We will show how to construct a Riemannian geometry that is modeled after an energy landscape relevant for protein conformations. A key difficulty is to construct a smooth Riemannian structure based on an energy landscape. Another is to have computationally feasible means for computing geodesics and related mappings. We address these challenges by a local approximation technique. The resulting method can accurately predict molecular dynamics trajectories of two proteins within seconds on a laptop.

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